【同义词辨析】 2017-06-30 聪明clever-ingenious

clever: stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness, or aptitude: a person ~ with horses. deft 轻巧利落有把握implies an light, neat, and sure handling,如a deft interweaving of the novel’s several subplots轻巧地将小说的几个情节交织在一起) (aptitude天分==innate capacity+natural liking天生能力+喜欢,美国高考SAT中的A,全称scholastic aptitude test学术能力倾向测验,始于1926,主要测试学术研究能力,而非高中学了多少知识)

adroit: often implies a shrewd or skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose: an ~ negotiator of business deals.  shrewd聪明精明=clever+wise: implies practical, hardheaded cleverness and wise judgment聪明又务实冷静,有判断力,如a shrewd judge of character精明地判断性格) (skillful有技巧娴熟=dexterous,如a shrewd and skillful manipulation of public opinion精明娴熟地操纵公众观点)

cunning: implies great skill in constructing or creating: a writer who is ~ in his manipulation of the reader.

ingenious: suggests brilliance or cleverness in inventing or discovering: an ~ computer engineer. (brilliant在bright组,表示璀璨发出大量光点sparkles,如brilliant diamonds璀璨的钻石,也表示杰出让人钦佩,如a brilliant scientist一个杰出科学家)

clever聪明: 强调思维或行动迅速轻巧天赋,adroit机智的: 多表示聪明娴熟使用权宜强调快速,正如中文里的急中生智,慧刚好相反表示静思慢悟),cunning巧思的: 善于构建创造,ingenious聪敏: 善于发明发现

记忆方法:1)首字母CACI想成CIA Chief中央情报局长<==聪明   智商IQ(Intelligence Quotient)反映一个人解决新问题、或学习新知识的能力,人工智能AI(artificial intelligence)逐渐流行,台湾说成人工智慧属于用词不准


        3)聪明的意思是睿智有技巧mean having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving.首字母CACI想成CIA Chief中央情报局长<==聪明 智就是智,睿是敬辞  wit表示人或者其言语聪明幽默睿智,如the wit of Cui崔的睿智